why listen; why communicate?

Ballighu `anni walau aayah – tell them about me (communicate my message), even if it is only one verse.

In the midst of contemplating on these words of the beloved Prophet Mohammed (may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him), I was startled by the simple veracity of it all. Stuttering my way through Arabic sentences, stumbling between mixed-up tenses, being awakened by big, fat Arabic prepositions coming after me with knives, seeking revenge for my poor treatment of them, I am really coming to grips with the importance of ilm or knowledge. Never mind the fact that I live in perpetual fear of the big, fat prepositions! I am now seeking traveling companions for this journey – to bring Islam back to the Muslim (check one box: Friday / Bi-Annual / Tomorrow / Occasional), to streamline our societies back to startlingly simple truths, to invite other wayfarers and nomads to our beautiful way of life. Fly, fly into eternal bliss, and carry with you the world on your wings.


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